Thursday 7 August 2014

Day 5 - The Three Princes of Serendip

The panic morning-commute delays can cause: Oh God!

No problems at work though. As I forecasted yesterday, I was well-occupied today with the MACs. Retrieving the MAC addresses of 30 MACs, which also involved wire-cutters and recabling, was no trivial exercise. Neither is it too challenging to manage. With a bit of Adele, Katy Perry and R2Bees keeping me company (yes, boss!), ain't worr'd 'bout nuthin...
Clockwise: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. That lunch made me sleep...

Themes of Today:  0912; Bus late:0812; Finished ES on train!; Hold ALT on Mac for Boot menu; 1021 GSO call; 1048 Contract signed; Passport tomorrow; Lunch nap; 1607 Done MACs; Buckyrooms PHP; LCodeTHW; Serendipity; Adderall Society; KhanAcademy Finance.

1700 sign off.

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