Wednesday 20 August 2014

Day 13 - What does Asana mean?

Day off yesterday was great and tiring. Cheltenham's nice - but quite far, unfortunately. Not sure when next I'll be down there.

Today kicked off mainly with the team meeting at 1000. This focused mainly on getting me up to speed on the planned PC installations in KW215 and KW216 and how I would go about this. A brief, preliminary crash-course, one might called it.

For the actual role, I'd be shadowing Jamie, learning to create bootable USB drives and 'basing' the PCs (Windows only, KW215, for now). This was my main focus of today and I feel pleased that I've been able to assimilate and engage with so much in one day. I'm sure when I go in tomorrow to pick up from where we left off (because of error messages), the procedures will still come to me naturally.

I've finally got my Staff ID Card: hooray. It doesn't 'work' yet but I'm not panicking just yet. It comes with a new swipe technology which is being piloted at the moment, to be introduced University-wide as the year progresses. So keep your eyes (and ears, if you can) open.

 Notes of Today: 
+ ES 
--"Sopranos musician loses laptop containing decades of his work"
===[idee: Pull-down server; Migration transparency; 'Wooden handle" toothbrush]
--'"How Britain can win in the new global economy"; Chuka Umunna (Shadow Business Secretary) ===['The Plain Engish Words]
--"The bonus gap"
----"If there is a lack of transparency in the process of determining bonuses, it's hard to check for and mitigate such bias"
-----..."the current, widely-used system of determining pay and bonuses disadvantages...."
-----"Companies have a responsibility to collect data and compare whether they are paying people with the same level of experience and skills equally"
---------Laptop---Horse-carriage (Objectified)
---------The Fox and the Porcupine (Objectified)
--UK Cards Association
--Andre Schurrle, Chelsea FC

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