Wednesday 15 April 2015

Tuesday April 14th: Warm

-St Olav Church, Rotherhithe: By Charis' recommendation, gotta try and go see this place before my trip to Norway this August. Early start, eh...

- Called Apple Customer Care to enquire about the present status of my phone which is being repaired: apparently, it's ready for collection...but no one thought to inform me. Just goes to show that sometimes, one shouldn't wait on 'promises' too religiously because people makes mistakes. Even Apple. STILL, no one better dare talk crap about Apple- they're cool. 

Not that it matters or anyone should care to know: had a McDonald's Double-cheeseburger for lunch. Also first time of having a cup of coffee from Starbucks. Random...

Sunday 12 April 2015

April 9: Imodium

Not even going to go into the details of this post title. Just be content with knowing that I needed it on that day. That's all. Period.

On the brighter side though, after my Imodium Sessions, I started my DVSA Theory Test today.

Target: 'PASS' by next Friday (April 17). To pass, I need to achieve a score of 43 out of 50. Today I got 34, which I thought was pretty good. But the large, bold red graphics on the screen reminded me that's still a FAIL - damn, these guys are gangsta. #thuglife

Saturday 11 April 2015

Mar 13, 2015: What's the quickest route to Fleet Street from Cannon Street station?...

...You have a Brompton bike in your hand.

Damn. The dilemma. Left Greenwich station on 16:22 train bound for Cannon Street, trying to beat the deadline I'd been given (between 4 & 5 PM) to come pick up my travel documents. At Fleet Street.

Now, I've only been to Fleet Street once- when I went to submit said documents. And that took quite a while to find, as the street numberings looked quite unconventional to what I'm used to: go there someday and see for yourself. :-P

On that day, after submitting all that, I'd decided to try and retrace my route back- on my Brompton. In the process, I stopped by the iStore on the Strand... from there I cycled directly across the road up to Covent Garden Market to the Apple Store to book an appointment to have my iPhone examined (power button was misbehaving,..).

Just before the iStore on the Strand, I remember a turning on the left which led on to what looked like a familiar bridge: familiar from the time of my menteeship at IBM visiting their Blackfriars offices; wasn't this Blackfriars Bridge?, I thought.

Anyway, away from that, it's 16:40 now and I'm at ~Cannon Street, asking for directions on how quickest to get to Charing Cross. (The day I'd gone to submit my application, I'd come through Charing Cross and cycled to Fleet Street). This was the best route possible I knew.

The station attendant at Cannon Street suggested I take the Underground Circle/District Line to Embankment; then I could cycle to Charing Cross- they're not too far apart from each other, he told me. I thanked him (bless him) and walked thing: BUT I NEED TO BE IN FLEET STREET BEFORE 1700!!!

I decided to brave it and take the Underground as suggested: it a straight forward journey and there's less chance of me losing my way and thence, wasting any precious time.

As the train proceeds, I look up on the wall and see the Tube Map; there's Blackfriars station:  3 stops before Embankment... I think back that bridge I saw on the day I was returning from submitting those documents: should I get off at Blackfriars? Is this indeed the Bridge I have in mind. If it was, it meant I was literally round the corner of the address I was headed for. Is it possible? Round the corner?...

***This station is Blackfriars***

I'm off the train. The door shut and the train starts to leave.. me & my Brompton. Time is 16:43. Oh shit... Gotta find the station exit now.

 Out, Brompton assembled, I cross the road. Soon, I'm cycling up that road, towards the junction I thought (prayed) I'd looked down from, that day I went to submit those documents...

...I was right.
 And on time. Thank God.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Day 13 - What does Asana mean?

Day off yesterday was great and tiring. Cheltenham's nice - but quite far, unfortunately. Not sure when next I'll be down there.

Today kicked off mainly with the team meeting at 1000. This focused mainly on getting me up to speed on the planned PC installations in KW215 and KW216 and how I would go about this. A brief, preliminary crash-course, one might called it.

For the actual role, I'd be shadowing Jamie, learning to create bootable USB drives and 'basing' the PCs (Windows only, KW215, for now). This was my main focus of today and I feel pleased that I've been able to assimilate and engage with so much in one day. I'm sure when I go in tomorrow to pick up from where we left off (because of error messages), the procedures will still come to me naturally.

I've finally got my Staff ID Card: hooray. It doesn't 'work' yet but I'm not panicking just yet. It comes with a new swipe technology which is being piloted at the moment, to be introduced University-wide as the year progresses. So keep your eyes (and ears, if you can) open.

 Notes of Today: 
+ ES 
--"Sopranos musician loses laptop containing decades of his work"
===[idee: Pull-down server; Migration transparency; 'Wooden handle" toothbrush]
--'"How Britain can win in the new global economy"; Chuka Umunna (Shadow Business Secretary) ===['The Plain Engish Words]
--"The bonus gap"
----"If there is a lack of transparency in the process of determining bonuses, it's hard to check for and mitigate such bias"
-----..."the current, widely-used system of determining pay and bonuses disadvantages...."
-----"Companies have a responsibility to collect data and compare whether they are paying people with the same level of experience and skills equally"
---------Laptop---Horse-carriage (Objectified)
---------The Fox and the Porcupine (Objectified)
--UK Cards Association
--Andre Schurrle, Chelsea FC

Monday 18 August 2014

Day 12 - Dead Feet


*Scratches back of the head*


Hope you had an eventful day. I think mine was.
I just got in a couple of minutes ago (overtime work) and my feet are dead. My back feels meh. And I just want my bed! But I'll spare a few keyboard strokes for you.

Just for heads up, it would seem the next couple of days will involve those mischievous, mini tasks which everyone would like to avoid doing but needs to be done. And that streak has already begun. Hence, my whiny post.

But, if anything, I'm grateful that I atleast have something doing. Also, I know that if I do these well now, it will save me having to go through as much struggles as now. :(

Anyway, I'm taking a day off tomorrow. Got a place I want to go see.

Don't wait up.

Sign-off today: 2100.
Snap from City A.M: Oliver Bonas (Oliver Tress); 'Intelligent Design'

Themes of Today: Oliver Bonas;Sabre Holdings; City A.M; Jackson Hole; Mervyn King; Paul Volcker; Jean-Claude Trichet; Online Banking; Paul Aitken; KW116[065-080]; Cable-Ties and Cabling; Equipment organisation; KW102[001-031]


Friday 15 August 2014

Day 11 - Waste Pane

Had about five and a haf hours sleep. And then brooding news in the morning. (tut, tut).

It would seem my accounts are all sorted by now: yay! Not had time to check though...  Time's kinda cruel, you know.

 Very hands-on today, all the way. Just think: KEYS. Loads of unpaired keys and locks.


On Monday, the toil continues.

1700 sign off.

Themes of Today: TESCO 'IPOs', Zoopla Record IPOs; Silver Fix; Asking the RIght Questions;  Motorola Martin Cooper; Peter Drucker; Stelios Haji-Ioannou; KW116-PC Lock-down The Great Keys Sorting (to be continued on Monday);  'Mr' George 'Lucas'; Boonana-half and Aisha; Emergency Poppain;European Championships A.Gemili 200m Gold.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Day 10 - Four-Day Visitors and the Dark Knight Rises

It's getting hot here!!! Work was abundant today. (if that's an appropriate word for it)...

As you can see, this is a last-minute post, racing against time to be published before midnight.

Today was on a high, not too different from yesterday; so busy, I haven't checked certain messages which I should by now... Sorry, guys. :(

Finanlly managed to move ALL the cupboards (read: the whole counter itself) into its new designated bay. Today served as affirmation of the well-worn fact that Time flies when you're having: Had to be forced to pause working and go for lunch at 1400. (LoL).

Although as today was a 1700 sign-off, I found myself working quickly against time to:
  • Lock down the Counter PC;
  • Collect and pack away all the Counter Keys;
  •  Pack away all valuables into the cupboard. Literally, 'packed' away; Guess we all know what I'll have to be doing tomorrow then. 
Head feels in a whirl nowadays. Quite optimistic about this placement currently, and I can't wait to get well in to the system. Fingers crossed, a positive, long-lasting mark will be left at the end of it.

Question is: on whom? ;)

Bonne nuit.