Thursday 14 August 2014

Day 10 - Four-Day Visitors and the Dark Knight Rises

It's getting hot here!!! Work was abundant today. (if that's an appropriate word for it)...

As you can see, this is a last-minute post, racing against time to be published before midnight.

Today was on a high, not too different from yesterday; so busy, I haven't checked certain messages which I should by now... Sorry, guys. :(

Finanlly managed to move ALL the cupboards (read: the whole counter itself) into its new designated bay. Today served as affirmation of the well-worn fact that Time flies when you're having: Had to be forced to pause working and go for lunch at 1400. (LoL).

Although as today was a 1700 sign-off, I found myself working quickly against time to:
  • Lock down the Counter PC;
  • Collect and pack away all the Counter Keys;
  •  Pack away all valuables into the cupboard. Literally, 'packed' away; Guess we all know what I'll have to be doing tomorrow then. 
Head feels in a whirl nowadays. Quite optimistic about this placement currently, and I can't wait to get well in to the system. Fingers crossed, a positive, long-lasting mark will be left at the end of it.

Question is: on whom? ;)

Bonne nuit.

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