Tuesday 5 August 2014

Day 3 - How high is a basketball hoop?

Arrived 8:45 but, this time, I decide to sit outside and compile my daily To-Do list which I didn't have time to do before I left home. The weather's alright - nothing fancy...
Today's shift was mostly a quiet one. But I actually didn't mind since I had important things to catch up on. First, I had an Evening Standard to finish reading (believe it or not, that was an item on my To-Do list. Yeah.). Then there was my Industrial Placement Handbook which I still had to go through. To some these might not sound like a lot to keep one busy but, believe me, it kept me occupied.

That being said, I did learn a few things today directly relevant to the job. Scanning out camera equipment with James allowed me learn about the Scanner software program (and its relationship with Capslock), the cupboard keys, Macbook power plugs, and an impressive utilisation of Notepad in the workplace. Later on in the day, I learnt (by shadowing Jamie) how to top-up printing credit for students and how this is accounted for (limp pun intended).

Unfortunately, I didn't get to have my accounts (no pun here) set-up, but I understood why. The team target now is to get this sorted by Friday. Also, Jamie's offered to get me up to speed on installations and testing of specialised software in preparation for the massive, building-wide deployment planned for next week. Bring it on!

Finally, here's a tip of what an idea I came up with today will seek to manage (Hint: they're themes of the day I had to omit for relevance):
  • Dreadnought; Lunch 1347 to 1447; Marvel; Basketball; Overtime; Jiu-jitsu; Rugby; Rufus Leonard; Lyndon Lea; James Caan; ('Algortihms of the Intelligent Web','Google Blogger for Dummies').

If said idea doesn't make sense at all to you (I would be surprised if it actually did), just pretend you didn't see that.

At 1700, I was off to join the Tube rush-hour home.

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