Wednesday 6 August 2014

Day 4 - Deloitte-ful Day

Was at bus-stop for the start of my journey till 08:01 and still I arrive work at 8:55 - Interesting. Seems I'm the first at the counter today. Few moments later, Amrik drops by to check whether paperwork regarding my employment has been finalised: an email needs to be sent out...

As this is still the holiday season, the labs are quiet as usual. I'm going to try and cultivate the habit of reading the Evening Standard from the evening before, every morning. It's again on my to-do list for the second day running; I think I'm starting to actually enjoy this new morning ritual.

Lunch was about the same time as yesterday (should I make that my standard time?), during which I popped into Dreadnought to get this book
Book taken out from Dreadnought today.

Themes of Today: Creating a Disk Image; 'disk part'; bootloader; deloitte; consulting; qualifications; Li Ka-Shing (Hutchison Whampoa); NS&I premium bonds; Blackberry thorns.

As I wrote previously, let 'Themes of Today" pass over your eyes as if they were nothing.

Tomorrow, I have a major task to do: manage KW102 room and KW103 Macs (#kw103-000x).
I will be quite busy tomorrow.

17:00 sign-off.

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